The Aspect Of My Life

Monday, April 5, 2010


Took the day off yesterday, Easter Sunday, and happily watched lots of movies.  Nothing like Netflix!  So today I made up for it and accomplished lots of this "busy-ness".

First on the agenda was going to the post office to pick up my new digital camera.  Thank you Herbie for this wonderful new addition!  My pet name for my father has been Herb, Herbie, Herbie Sherb since I was an adolescent so this  is the wonderful individual who sent me this most awesome camera, of which I am most appreciative. My dad is an amazing photographer so, of course, he would send me a wonderful camera.  I couldn't fully appreciate all those times he took volumes of pictures of me, OMG, stop with the pictures!, but with age I have come to appreciate his eye for seeing things and am thankful he has recorded some of my history, or her-story.  His vision has been a constant source of enlightenment and I did well in picking my paternal influence:).

Next I was off to Office Max to get a camera case, then to the grocery store for a baguette and some home made split pea soup, then to fill up some water containers and a well deserved soy latte (which came with a free newspaper) and finally back "home", to my Minnie sanctuary.  Had to play with my camera for a bit:), two loads of laundry, a shower for me and updated my workamper resume.  Looks like my workamper job at Mt. Hood, Oregon is now official as they are sending me my "new hire" paperwork, so it felt like a good time to update my resume for the Fall/Winter season.  Just yesterday I received a call about potential employment so it became very clear that I needed to update my resume.  Excited about Mt. Hood and all the opportunities that will be available in the next season.

As of April 1st, the rates have gone up substantially where I am staying so that will have to be looked into, do I stay or do I go?  Where will I stay until my May 15th date of employment?  That is on the back burner for now as tomorrow there is more "busy-ness" on the agenda.


  1. I am working on my own life transition. Planning to start full-time RV in Feb 2012. It is a long, bumping, winding road to get there. I'll be following you along. Thank you for this blog.

  2. Thank you Katie for following along. All I can say is, it has been worth all the bumps:). Looking forward to meeting you on the road in 2012.
