The Aspect Of My Life

Monday, May 24, 2010

Spirit Talking

Another one of those days that feels so packed I can hardly believe it has only been 24 hours.  I wonder if other people are experiencing this same fullness.

Because I knew today would be one of the rare days this week with no rain or showers, on my agenda was a walk to the nearest grocery store and then laundry.  I knew the store was almost 2 miles each way, and the reality was this was a long walk!  And, of course, I overstuffed my backpack so was not looking forward to the return walk.  Thankfully, and with much appreciation, I saw someone at the shopping center who works at Mt. Hood Village and was able to get a ride back.  Spirit talking in a good way.

Did my laundry and spent some time in the office chatting with other workampers.  We are all trying to gear up for the coming weekend and it is nice to know we are there to support one another. We'll see how all this goes.

Because it was still nice this evening it was perfect for a fire even though some of the wood was still damp.  Everett helped with the fire and then we started a two hour conversation.  It was one of those conversations I am all too familiar with; the talk of survival, facts, the type of conversation where there is no real sharing but someone trying to convert me to their way of thinking and the logic of their particular truth, thinking and belief.  It is so exhausting when someone is pounding you over the head in an attempt to make you see the err of your beliefs.  The more I affirm that we all have our own Truths and Beliefs, the more agitated Everett becomes until I finally have to say I am done with the conversation.  Hopefully that is the last of our "spiritual" conversations.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your conversational pain! I've had that talk a few times over the last year.

    I look forward to the chance to have talks with you over the campfire. I'm interested to hear about some of your transformative experiences. I think I read about them on your other Web site.

    I actually had checked to see where you are workcamping when you originally posted about it, but was sad to see it was far out of my route to the Arctic.

    Hope you are doing well,

