The Aspect Of My Life

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Storm

Seems I am in the middle of a big, bad storm.  I guess I should have been paying more attention.

It is cold and very windy outside but the rain has now stopped.  I got in just ahead of the powerful, gusty winds that are now blowing across the Mohave and am safely ensconced in Minnie.  It is warm inside, I have plenty to eat and drink, wi-fi and books to read and a good day's drive under my belt.  Not much more I could ask for.  Yesterday I was running the AC, today the heater.

Looks like I won't be passing over any mountain ranges anytime soon so the new plan is to head to the coast and slide back into Oregon from that direction.  I am actually excited about this new change in plans and hope the weather will allow for this new strategy.  I think I can make it to Red Bluff, CA tomorrow and then will adjust accordingly.

Tonight I am in Santa Nella, CA at the Santa Nella RV Park.  It is perfectly fine for an overnight stay and is costing me less than $24. 

I would post a picture of my site but I am feeling too "snug as a bug" to go outside in this weather. 


  1. Hi Susan!
    We're in Prunedale, California (Central Coast) and it rained like mad all night long. Gusty winds earlier in the evening and night. Nice to snug as bug in a rug in the RVs huh? Less rain today but still overcaste. The storms make me appreciate the sunshine. Take care.

  2. Hi Levonne,
    It has been a bit of a shock coming from six months in the desert to the rain, cold and wind. I may be on the coast tomorrow. Who knows...
