The Aspect Of My Life

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lights Out

Yesterday was Lunar Imbolc, a time to celebrate new beginnings, new life.  The light becomes stronger as we begin to move out of the dark winter months and I had plans to light candles in celebration of the coming times.

What did happen was the particular section of the park I am living in lost electricity for approximately 10 hours.  So, yes, I did light candles, a few more than I had intended.  Candles lit the interior and warmed the chilly night.  At some point I did run the generator and turn on the light switches, but during that sweet time of candles and warmth it took me beyond the modern conveniences and into a closer alignment with nature, always just a flick of the switch away.

I also experienced one of the worst headaches of my life.  I was in such pain I was tempted to jab a knife into my skull just to make the pain go away.  I did try everything else I could think of and eventually the throbbing ceased and the Tylenol PM kicked in and I was able to sleep it away.

I hope it stays so far away that it never comes back.


  1. How awful to have headaches that bad. I'm glad you were able to sleep it away. Other than the headache, it sounds pretty cozy! :)

  2. Hi Susan:
    Tried to send this post twice before but no
    luck getting it through so am trying again.
    IMHO, headaches are one of the body's signs
    to tell us that something is amiss. I've never had such an extreme headache, and am
    glad you're OK. Here's a possible reason(s)
    for what may have happened:
    I too love candles, but we tend to overlook
    that candles are burning up the oxygen in a
    small area to produce light and heat, plus
    (I believe) they are giving off carbon monoxide into that small area. A normal
    single wick candle produces 1 BTU/second,
    or 3600 BTU's per hour, so 10 candles would
    produce 36,000 BTU's per hour. Don't believe
    it would be safe to run an unvented RV furnace
    producing 36,000 BTU's so IMHO, some venting
    for the candles is also required. I also read
    somewhere that we should be cautious about the candle wax AND the wick material used in
    some imported candles. Just trying to help
    you be safe(r). Best to you & happy travels.
    Ingo, in Smithers, BC
