The Aspect Of My Life

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I've Seen Better Days

The infectious war on my face seems to have ended and the battlefield is slowly returning to normal.  I am pleased that it looks like there will be no permanent scarring and a good facial should get it back to its previous condition.  Whew, what a ride.

While helping Dan into bed I cracked something in my back so it is still a bit sore on the left side.  I find comfort from heat, correct position and ibuprophen but it is just one more physical discomfort to deal with.  The pills continue to wreck havoc with my stomach and bowels.  Let's just say I have seen better days:).

My mom and I did get out yesterday and went to the nail salon.  I had the pleasure of a manicure by the same woman who gave me a pedicure last time I was in town.   I think the last time I had a manicure was almost 40 years ago so it was a rare treat and I spend lots of time admiring my nails.

The woman having her nails done in the chair next to me had facial cellulitus two months ago.  For something I had never heard of before last week, there sure seem to be lots of people who have had cellulitus in one form or another. 

How bizarre, how bizarre.

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