Minnie looks a little tilted, kinda the same way her driver has been. But I am back on the road and stopped for the night just outside of Boise, ID.
My two hour massage while in Eugene turned into a three hour massage and moved massive chunks of energy. The River of Life that flows through our bodies had numerous log jams and my masseuse, Lilly Crowheart, helped me breathe new life into all those stuck areas. I walked out calm, peaceful and shifted. Nothing felt the same and all my previous plans no longer seemed to fit. I am still not sure what the "plan" is, but I am moving and hopefully things will fall into place.
I spent the last two nights in Bend, OR and put in a six hour drive today crossing the eastern section of Oregon and then into Idaho. Wide open spaces, good tunes and beautiful scenery, just the way I like it.
Outdoor swimming pools the past two days have been an added bonus in this hot weather.
It feels good to be back on the wide open road.
Sometimes I think I'm the only person around who hasn't had a massage. It's a kind of splurge that I know I deserve but just haven't had. One of these days....