The Aspect Of My Life

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Van Horn, Texas

I am currently in Van Horn, Texas.

Still processing the powerful and intense energies of the Grandmother's retreat and will share when I am able. There are no words for some of the experiences, so other worldly.

I got down the mountain right in front of the storm that blasted the United States and stayed with my mother in Phoenix for an additional two nights. So happy to be tucked away in that safe womb while the angry wind howled and my entire body was on overwhelm and every cell pulsating. It was the most challenging "re-entry" I have ever experienced and wasn't sure if I would ever arrive back into normalcy.

My Dreamtime is filled with visions of the Grandmothers as we are all still connected within that matrix. So many prayers and rituals have altered my field., so much.....

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