The Aspect Of My Life

Monday, October 21, 2013

Hermit time

I haven't blogged much lately.   I know.  But I just have not felt the need, energy or desire.  Previously I would blog entire posts in my head before I would put them down on computer but that hasn't happened in months.  My stream of inner conversation seems to have halted.

My guess would be because I have just been so busy!  When the festival ended I stopped in Eugene for a week and had five clients during that week.  Then I went back to the ECETI ranch ( over the Labor Day weekend and downloaded more information than I could process so needed a month of inner reflection and minimal outward distractions.

That took up the month of September into mid-October when I found myself in Chico, CA.  I met some people at the festival's first venue that live in Chico and I had hoped we would reconnect again as I headed south.  I stopped in Chico for a week and I saw seven clients over a four day span as well as spending lots of time with my new friends.

Now I am on the road again heading to Arizona.  After a long day on the road I don't feel like blogging.  I don't feel like talking about the road, the park I am at for the night or my inner feelings.  I just want to veg out.  I feel all talked out from the festival and my time in Chico.  My energies have been taken up with meeting so many new people in the flesh.

As my plans stand now, I will be in Arizona for two weeks then traveling back to Palm Springs for a conference (  Or not.  That decision has not been finalized.

But that is why I have felt too busy to do much other than just live my life.  It has felt too full to add anything else into the mix.  I need my hermit time.