The Aspect Of My Life

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

In Love

I am back in love with myself, and it feels so good:).  It feels as though I  lost some of my essence since returning to Eugene, having lost a piece of my authentic self, and it has now returned.  Don't know why it went, where it went or even why it has now returned, all I know is that it has  returned from its journey and I feel a wholeness that was missing.  Yea, it feels good to be back.

The rains finally let up and there was sun and goodness this day.  I spent the day in the world of "busy-ness".  Got myself an electric screwdriver because the work that I needed to do on Minnie needed such a thing,  checked out another RV park 10 minutes from here that has a much cheaper monthly rate, went to my favorite RV repair store (my favorite because they have a huge assortment of supplies and talk me out of things I really do not need:)), cleaned, purged and up-graded Minnie.  I also found someone who can repair the blind that lost its string and will actually come to me!  So that was all very productive.

My friend Sandra came to Minnie for the first time and it was wonderful to spend some time with her catching up and reconnecting.  I forgot to take a picture of her with my new digital camera, but her website is  She is an amazing shamaness and it has been my pleasure to know her as my friend since I first arrived in Eugene.

The moment Sandra left my friend Caroline called.  She is my Sister from the galaxy far, far away.  We understand one another on a level that no one else will ever comprehend.  She is my closest neighbor in whatever world it is that we come from.

So, it has been a wonderful world today.  Good weather, good friends, good life.

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