Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wild Wild West

I have tried to enjoy myself as much as possible the last two weekends.  There is an activities' theme each weekend and last weekend was Wild Wild West.  The weekend before was Hawaiian.  I wore flowers in my hair and adorned myself with shells for Hawaiian weekend and wore denim and a cowboy hat for Wild Wild West.  Add some karaoke music into the mix and I danced and sang my way through my Saturday shifts.  It was great entertainment for everyone who came into the office.  The good thing about having these themes is that if I wear some type of costume it gets me out of  my dreaded polo shirt.

I also entered a coloring contest and won the T-shirt I have coveted since last year.  This T-shirt is not for sale and no matter how much I tried to woo the manager into giving me one, the only way to score one of these T-shirts is through a "win".  Every time I would see someone wearing this T-shirt I would go green with envy.  Jean, my co-worker, also coveted one of these shirts and when she wore her Native American wardrobe she finally won one for best costume. 

It was a Yippee Ka Yea kind of weekend and it finally feels like I am working at a resort instead of the Hood.


  1. You've gotta post a pic of you in the T shirt!

  2. I agree with Steve. How about a picture of the coveted T-shirt.
